- This package is available from 16 years of age through to adults 89 years of age.
- The Non-Verbal Cognitive Ability Assessment package for adults would be recommended for older
- adolescents through to adults who require a cognitive ability assessment and who have a speech, language
- or communication difficulties; English is not their first or primary language and may impact the reliability of
- an assessment; and / or individuals from a diverse background including Aboriginal & Torres Straight
- Islander. The Non-Verbal Cognitive Ability Assessment package could also be suitable for hard of hearing or
- individuals who are deaf; gifted individuals from a culturally and linguistically diverse population; or
- individuals with diagnosed communication disorders such as Aphasia, Autism Spectrum Disorder and
- Selective Mutism.
- The Brilliant Minds Non-Verbal Cognitive Ability Assessment includes a cognitive assessment and
- assessment of adaptive functioning.
- Ages 16 years to 21 years, 11months:
- The primary cognitive assessment utilised is the Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV). The WNV Scale
- is a reliable and efficient scale to accurately assess cognitive ability “when language poses a barrier to
- typical administration, or where traditional intellectual assessment results would be questionable due to
- language-related difficulties (Pearson, 2022).
- Ages 22 years to 89 years, 11 months:
- The Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence- Fourth Edition (TONI-4) will be utilised as the primary tool to accurately
- assess cognitive ability “when language poses a barrier to typical administration, or where traditional
- intellectual assessment results would be questionable due to language-related difficulties (Pearson, 2022).
- A series of questionnaires will be sent to parents/ guardians and teachers, to gain the required additional
- information.
- The package includes:
- Session 1: Intake Session (1 Hour) - The initial interview is to obtain a comprehensive background and history gathering intake. Parents, guardians who are responsible and have the legal authority for the care of the youth or adullt are required to attend to provide this information. Rating scales and relevant questionnaires will be sent at the time of booking for the legal guardian to complete.
- Session 2: Cognitive Assessment using the TONI-4 OR WNV
- Session 3: Feedback Session (1 Hour)
- A comprehensive written report is provided as part of this package. Please note there is a two to three- week turnaround for report writing. There is a four-week turnaround for report writing if the assessment iscompleted with a Provisional Psychologist. You will be provided with this information at the time of booking an assessment.
- Total hours: Based on 6 hours of clinician time, inclusive of 3 hours written report