This package is available from 6 years of age.
The ‘Intellectual Assessment for Giftedness’ is a diagnostic assessment to identify whether a childis within the gifted range of ability and to help guide and assist in making informed decisionsregarding intellectual and academic potential within the home, school or external programs.“A Gifted child is one who performs or who has the ability to perform at a level significantly beyondhis or her chronologically aged peers and whose unique abilities and characteristics requirespecial provisions and social and emotional support from the family, community and educationalcontext”. Harrison, C. (2003).
A gifted child may also experience difficulties and areas of weakness. They may present asunderachievers or experience learning difficulties (despite gifted intelligence); experiencechallenging behaviours and attitudes; disengage and withdraw from school, family and peers;experience low self-esteem, low motivation or resilience; and may experience psychologicalvulnerability including anxiety and perfection. Completing an assessment of giftedness will identifyareas of need and provide recommendations for support in order to reach a child’s true potential.The Brilliant Minds ‘Intellectual Assessment of Giftedness’ includes a cognitive assessment,academic assessment and an analysis of a series of rating scales reviewing various areas ofgiftedness (intellectual, academic, motivation, creativity, leadership and artistic talent), adaptivebehaviours and executive functions.
The package includes:Session 1: Parent/Guardian Only Intake Session (1 Hour) – No children are to attend the intakesession. Rating scales and relevant questionnaires are sent to Parent/Guardian andTeachers.Session 2: Cognitive Assessment with Child – WPPSI-IV or WISC-V (2 Hours)
Session 3: Academic Assessment with Child – WIAT-III (3 Hours)
Session 4: Parent/Guardian Feedback Session (1 Hour)
A comprehensive written report is provided as part of this package. Please note there is a two tothree week turn around for report writing. There is a four week turnaround for report writing if theassessment is completed with a Provisional Psychologist. Y